Service price list

Service price list


Mobile and smart phone / Tablet / Headphones / Smart watch Laptops Scooter / Vacuum cleaner
Warranty repair 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data saving 30.00 - 34.28 34.28 -
Technical evaluation/ diagnostics 14.88 35.70 25.79
Software update 14.88 35.70 ** -
Repair / Maintenance / Cleaning * 14.88 - 53.56 53.56 - 78.35 35.70 - 53.56
Replacement of accessories / battery* 14.88 - 53.56 35.72 - 78.35 25.79

* the repair price is dependent on the repair type/difficulty and is confirmed with the customer. The repair price does not include the price of spare parts
** software price not included

All the listed prices include VAT 

The listed prices are subject to change in cases when it is necessary to forward the submitted device to a higher-level service centre in another European Union country. The repair pricing will be confirmed with the customer before the repair is started.